Ski & snowboard summer savings

Check out our summer savings deals that are available to all SnowDome customers who visit before 31st August 2020.
Lesson Offer
Save 25% OFF lessons
Offer includes group 2 hour ski and snowboard lessons, 3 hour fast track lessons and all private lessons until 31st August 2020. SnowDome members rates also included, if applicable. Offer excludes learn to ski/snowboard day courses and ski development courses.
Lift Pass Offer
Buy a 3 hour lift pass for ONLY £36 adults & £30 juniors (off peak) / £39 adults & £34 juniors (peak)
Enjoy a full day on the hill, Monday to Friday from 9am-6pm (with a break for the groom) for ONLY £39 adults & £34 juniors
Exclusive Member Offers
Ski or snowboard for 3 hours for ONLY £26!
This offer is valid at any time, therefore, you can also attend Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Sunday evening specials or even the Tamlands Tuesday freestyle night - all for just £26 each for adult members (or £20 each for junior members). Not valid with any other offer or discount or on any special event night.
Members All Day Pass
Enjoy a full day on the hill, Monday to Friday from 9am-6pm (with a break for the groom) for ONLY £29 adults & £25 juniors
Management reserves the right to alter or terminate these promotions at any time. Subject to availability and capacity. Not to be used in conjunction with any other promotion or discount i.e. student rates etc.