Slope Timetable Changes

Additional midweek tobogganing sessions will be on the slope until 19th July. Recreational slope use will not be available during these times. All evening sessions run as normal. The slope opening hours are as follows:
- Monday 8th - Friday 12th July - 9am-12pm and 2pm-6pm
- Monday 15th July - 9am-12pm and 2.30pm-6pm
- Tuesday 16th July - 9am-11am and 2.30pm-6pm
- Wednesday 17th July - 9am-11am and 2.30pm-6pm
- Thursday 18th July - 9am-11am and 2.30pm-6pm
- Friday 19th July - 9am-12pm and 2pm-6pm
Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.