Fitness member of the month

Dave & Jane James
Joined: January 2017.
Quote from gym team: Dave has been committed to improving his strength and fitness since joining SnowDome Fitness. He never fails to hit the challenges we set him, whilst still enjoying his workouts. He has improved an amazing amount since he became a member.
Fitness achievement: Beating back middle age and kicking into touch the natural urge to take life easy. Instead I push for improvements in mind, body and soul!
Favourite thing about SnowDome Fitness: The exit after a hard session with the brilliant Fitness Team!
Favourite piece of gym equipment: Punch bag.
Best workout: One to one kickboxing with Paul.
Current fitness goal: To be in the next Expendables movie with Jason Statham and Sly Stallone!
Joined: January 2017.
Quote from gym team: Jane is very consistent with her training and is not scared to lift heavy weights. She knows that increasing her weights is what she has to do to change her body composition and get leaner. Keep up the great work Jane!
Fitness achievement: Building on my overall strength and being able to squat more than my body weight.
Favourite thing about SnowDome Fitness: The classes, the team and the members. The team are all motivational and take a real interest in ensuring that you are pushed beyond your limits.
Favourite piece of gym equipment: Squat rack.
Best workout: Combination of circuit classes and strength camp.
Current fitness goal: Focusing on upper body strength and being able to master unassisted pull ups! Oh and making sure Dave achieves his fitness goal.